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Can't Stand the Heat Page 5

  Shit! They were stuck in the freezing cold closet. Now what?

  "Oh, God, Billy," Marissa said, "We’ll freeze in here all night." She bent over, thought she might be sick. When the feeling passed, she stood up straight, opened her phone, then frowned. "No service. You?"

  Billy reached into his pocket and checked his cell. "Nope."

  "What about the cleaning crew?"

  She shook her head. "They come in the morning."

  "You okay, baby? You look a little green around the edges."

  She sucked in a calming breath, looked up toward the ceiling. "A little claustrophobic, I guess, but I'll be fine."

  He leaned against the wall, scrubbed his hands over his face. "We have to stay calm. There must be a way out of here." Billy stomped across the floor like an angry bull. He motioned toward the far wall. "Stay over there."

  "What are you—"

  He shut her down with a "Shush!"

  Dumbfounded, she held her tongue and wondered what he had in mind.

  Backing as far as he could into the room, he sucked his lips inside his mouth, drew a deep breath and charged the door, which of course, didn't budge. He grabbed his shoulder, muttered a few choice words.

  "I guess we're stuck here, so we might as well make ourselves comfy." The prospect of a night alone with Billy in the tiny, cold room both excited and scared her. "At least we can get drunk. Maybe that’ll keep us warm." She held a bottle to the light, blew off the dust before setting it back in the rack. “All this expensive stuff is way too dry for me.”

  His chuckle set her at ease. “You always were a cheap date, honey.”

  A thought occurred to her. “What if someone locked us in here on purpose? Maybe it’s that bookie you knew. What was his name? Lenny? Kenny?”

  A cloud passed over Billy’s face. “Nah. Better not be.” He gave his head a heavy shake. “I'd have to kill somebody if they hurt you."

  A zing of excitement made her skin tingle. As infuriating as he could be, he would always protect her.

  Billy sat on the floor beside her, held her hand. "I'm so sorry if any of this is my fault."

  She gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. "I’m sure the door just shut by itself." She prayed she was right.

  His expression grew more serious. "I love you, Marissa. Whatever happens, you have to believe I'd never intentionally hurt you. You're the most important person in the world to me."

  More than anything, she wanted to trust in him, believe he meant those words, but he had done things to hurt her in the past. He'd gambled with their money, lied to her, even pawned a gold ring he'd given her. She had no guarantee he wouldn't do it again. Resuming their relationship had been the single biggest reason she'd feared Billy's return to Savannah. She'd forgiven him too many times, and each of those times, he had eventually let her down. In the back of her mind, though, she'd always held out hope that he'd change and that they would remarry someday.

  Staring at her lips, he stroked a thumb across her cheek. "I want to protect you, hold you every night. Being apart was…" He drew a ragged breath. "It was the worst time of my life."

  "Mine, too." She wasn't ready to abandon all her nagging doubts, but how could she deny the chemistry between them? He was nearly everything she wanted her man to be—funny and sexy, loving, and protective. But honesty was non-negotiable. If only he hadn't put his gambling before her. She shivered against the chill air.

  What was wrong with giving in to her desire just for tonight? At least it would warm them up.

  Billy cloaked her in his strong embrace, brushed his lips over her forehead, her nose, her mouth. Her eyes slipped lazily shut, and she gave in to desire, allowing his tongue entrance. Her nipples peaked and strained against the fabric of her bra. They lay back on the cool floor, but her temperature only rose. His long, muscular body felt so right next to hers. He glided a hand over her hip, gave her backside a squeeze, and shifted her on top of him.

  His fingers threaded through her hair, massaged her scalp until it tingled, just like she loved. But that was nothing compared to the slow burn between her legs as she slid over the bulge in his pants. She grew slick, just for him, and the sexual hunger he always awakened in her roared to life. Every nerve ending came alive with need.

  She studied his face—wondered how she'd made it through an entire year without making love with him. Her desire heightened as she stared into his smoldering eyes. Banishing all worry from her head, she allowed herself to give up control, to be carried away by the moment.

  Billy's strong hands circled her waist, roamed over her breasts until they found her pebbled nipples.

  "Take this damn coat off." He worked the button at her neck, cursing softly when it didn’t give. "I ought to tear it off of you."

  She laughed as she finished the task, removed the jacket in seconds, then lifted her T-shirt over her head. He didn’t bother taking off her bra; he merely moved the fabric aside.

  "Oh, yeah," he growled, reaching up to bite a hard nipple.

  She yelped from the pain, swooned at the pleasure. Her whole body was on fire as he suckled and cupped her breasts. Yanking at his hair, she moaned her delight.

  Billy rolled her onto her back, then peeled off his chef's coat. Skin to skin they kissed and explored each other's flesh. A flood of sensations washed over her, coated her with a sheen of desire. Lifting her butt off the floor, she shimmied out of her pants and underwear while he did the same. He dug in his pocket and removed his wallet. When he turned away, she wondered what he was doing, but when he faced her with a foil packet between his fingers, she understood.

  When he moved on top of her, she nipped his muscled shoulders, luxuriated in his rock-hard arms. She pulled in a breath laced with his scent, a heady mix of his pine cologne and smoke from the kitchen, garlic and cilantro, mint and cumin.

  He got to his knees, hovered above her like a lion ready to stalk its prey. Anticipation heightened her excitement. Her breaths grew shallow. It had been so long since she'd dared hope for Billy's touch. She writhed at the thought of his cock moving inside her. She couldn’t wait.

  “Must. Keep. Warm.” Painfully slow, he trailed wet kisses along her neck, between her breasts, down the plane of her belly to her thighs. Every inch of her hummed with longing. When he licked the delicate flesh of her folds, she shuddered with pleasure. “Billy, oh, God.” Curling her fingers into his hair, she moaned.

  His tongue rolled her nub, teasing it to attention. Dipping a finger inside her, he gently stroked and prodded, coaxed her desire as only he could. He spread her wider, rubbed deeper and faster until she exploded in waves of blinding ecstasy. He lapped at her juices as she shuddered against him.

  Before her orgasm retreated, he moved over her, slid his engorged cock along her slick opening. The power of his arousal built her even higher. A hungry moan escaped his lips as he covered her mouth with his, kissed her deeply. He stroked a hand along her slit, rubbed flesh over bone. Another climax followed before the first had completely ebbed.

  Billy captured her gaze, grinned wickedly as he watched her ecstasy unfold. Her body convulsed in unabashed delight. She needed him inside her, filling the void he'd left in his wake. Urging him to fuck her, she rocked her hips, invited him with open thighs. He rolled the condom onto his erection and smiled down at her. She needed to feel his cock inside her.

  When he didn't immediately take her, she shoved him off, climbed atop him and slid her wet opening along his shaft until he begged for entrance. A satisfied grin tugged at her lips as she positioned herself on top of his cock and slowly took him in. He held her hips, lifted her up and down over his erection as he went further and further into her depths.

  His velvet strokes were slow and deep. He was patient, yet silently, he demanded everything—to rule her, possess her very soul. And he did.

  She ground her hips against him, forced him deeper. Riding him like she knew he loved, she clenched her intimate muscles around him, tearing a lusty growl from hi
m. Grasping her hips, he wrested control of their union, rocked her up and down, sank his fingers into her skin.

  The hitch of his breath told her he was close, so close. He thrust into her with a force that sent her temperature skyrocketing. Detonating with a final jerk, he moaned that way she remembered.

  As he pulled her face to his for a sultry kiss, she breathed in his piney cologne and the musky scent of their union. Billy cradled her against him and she smiled, knowing how perfectly they fit together, like two pieces of a puzzle. He nipped her earlobe, nuzzled her neck.

  She shifted beside him to get more comfy. "You know what would be perfect?"


  "Something nice and sweet, like a Riesling." Her mouth watered just thinking about it.

  "I wonder if we might find one around here." He planted a quick kiss on her nose, then sat up. "Guess I should check the cheap section, huh?"

  She swatted him. "You're not allowed to make fun of me for at least an hour after we make love."

  "You making up rules again? I bet you were the beast of the school yard in grade school." He snickered, kissed her neck. "I'll have to ask your mother."

  "Too much talking, not enough drinking." She gave him a shove, then raised herself to her knees. She found a couple metal wine tasting cups on a shelf and got them down.

  "What do you say we catch some shuteye after a drink?"

  She lifted an eyebrow. "First, we talk."

  He rolled his eyes and drew a heavy sigh. "You really know how to burst a guy's bubble."

  She quickly dressed in her coat and pants, sat on the floor and patted the spot beside her.

  He grabbed a bottle from the wall. "Only if you ply me with more alcohol first."

  She giggled. "My thoughts exactly. There's a corkscrew hanging near the door."

  After he dressed, he opened a bottle of Vignoles and took a swig. "Perfect. Sweet and hmm…maybe pineapple. What do you think, mademoiselle?" He handed it to her.

  She sipped. "Yes. Pineapple. It's very good. Hopefully not too expensive. But frankly, who cares? Joel won’t mind. We have to do something to keep warm." Her cheeks heated as she flashed on their lovemaking. "Well, something beside what we've already done. Now, get down here."

  He sat opposite her and lifted her hand to his lips, kissed softly. "Whatever you desire."

  Tamping down the renewed arousal his touch inspired, she yanked her hand away and fixed him with a cool stare. "Be serious for once. I need to know what your intentions are. And I have to ask if you've gambled lately." There. She'd said it, the question that had been burning in her mind since he'd come back to Savannah.

  His sparkling eyes met hers, held the contact. "Not since I've been here."

  All the air slipped out of her balloon. "You've only been here a few days, Billy." She'd hoped he owed the bookie money from an old bet, rather than a recent one.

  He nodded solemnly. "Seeing you, making this fresh start, it's opened my eyes about some things." Taking hold of her knees, he leaned his head closer. "You're too important to me to allow something as stupid as gambling destroy things again."

  More than anything, she wanted to believe him, but how many times had she heard similar declarations from his mouth? Too many to count. "Okay." Fixing a smile on her face, she nodded. Without counseling or any outside help, he'd have a tough time battling his addiction. Maybe if she showed faith, rather than her usual doubt, he'd conquer it this time. "Let's try to sleep."

  They snuggled close for warmth. Marissa forced all worry and doubts from her mind and let images of their lovemaking carry her off to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  "Listen," Marissa whispered, waking Billy out of a deep, sex-induced sleep. "Someone's out there."

  He rubbed his eyes and sat up. The details of the night before flooded his mind: being locked in the wine cellar, making love with Marissa.

  What if Earl’s henchman guys were outside? He sprang to his feet, positioned himself between Marissa and the entrance.

  "Could be the cleaning crew," she whispered. "Although I don't know why they'd be down here. Their supplies are upstairs."

  The door scraped open, and Ross stood there, hand on his chest. "Well, thank God. I've been searching this place for half an hour for you two after I saw your car outside. I really worried when I found Marissa's purse in the kitchen." He held up a two by four. "Someone locked you in with this."

  "What? Who could have gotten inside the building, Ross?" Marissa's tone was more accusatory than questioning.

  Billy fixed her with a warning stare, hoping she'd take the hint. She'd always had a bad habit of jumping to conclusions. "Thanks for coming to our rescue," he said to Ross.

  Standing, Marissa straightened her pants and jacket. "If you boys will excuse me, I've been waiting all night to use the bathroom." She rushed past Ross and out the door.

  Ross pointed to the remnants of the bottle of wine they'd drunk last night. "Looks like you two made good use of your time."

  Billy winked at him. "You bet." He picked up their things, locked the door, then followed Ross up to the kitchen.

  Ross poured two cups of coffee, handed one to Billy. "Our contact at Healthy Lifestyle Magazine left a message on the machine."

  Billy pinned him with a worried stare. "Oh?"

  "The critic is planning to be here tonight."

  "Damn." He scratched his head, made a mental list of all the ingredients he'd need to make his signature dishes. "Do me a favor and don't say anything to Marissa yet." No sense in putting that added pressure on her so early after everything she’d been through yesterday. He’d tell her in plenty of time.

  "Did I hear my name?" She marched into the room, carrying her purse.

  Billy cleared his throat. "I was telling Ross what a trooper you were last night."

  Her cheeks reddened, and she threw him a scowl. Digging in her purse, she fished out her car keys. "I have to run home for a shower. You coming?" she asked Billy.

  "Sure. A shower is exactly what I need, too." With a little luck, maybe they'd conserve water and take one together.

  When they got to the house, Marissa went to the kitchen to feed the cat. Billy headed straight for the bathroom. Yanking back the shower curtain, he smiled when he saw a bottle of bubble bath on the windowsill behind the tub. He scrounged under the sink until he found the candles he knew she kept there. They were dusty from disuse.

  Guilt tore through him. Marissa had put her life hold because of him, stopped doing all the special things for herself she'd always loved, like long hot soaks by candlelight. She deserved to be pampered, and although they didn't have much time before they had to be back at the restaurant, he was going to do his best to treat her to some long-overdue TLC.

  As the tub filled, he lit the candles, shaved, and brushed his teeth. When Marissa's gentle knock came, he was ready. He opened the door, and her gaze slid over him, standing before her in his birthday suit. He watched her eyes light up when she took in the bubble bath, the candles, and the stack of towels he'd set out.

  "Wow." She took a tentative step inside the bathroom.

  "Your bath awaits, Madame." Billy swept his arm through the air. As Marissa started to lift her T-shirt, he grabbed her arm. "Please, allow me."

  She lifted an eyebrow and grinned. "All right."

  He got on his knees and removed her shoes, then lowered her pants off. Next, he peeled off her panties, sliding his hands slowly down her legs. Her shudder told him he was on the right track. Slowly, he removed her shirt and bra, taking care to touch her skin as much as possible, while avoiding any direct contact with sensitive parts. He remembered all too well how much she loved to be teased.

  Taking her hand, he led her to the tub and had her get into the water. She shut her eyes and purred like a kitten. "I don't know why I haven't treated myself to a bath in so long."

  Another pang of guilt poked him.

  I know why. She'd shut down part of herself when they'd split up—the s
ensuous part. Pushing the notion away, he kneeled on the floor beside the tub and lifted her hand to his lips, kissed the tips of her fingers, brushed his lips along her wrist, up the underside of her arm.

  Her chest heaved with a ragged breath as he advanced to her neck, licked the vanilla-scented skin along her shoulder, down to her breast. As he laved one taut nipple, he rubbed his thumb over the other. Her raspy moans heightened his enjoyment, but this was all about her—her desire, her pleasure, her satisfaction.

  Tearing himself away, he met her questioning gaze. "Time to wash." He took the washcloth he'd set aside and poured some of her scented body wash on it. Beginning with her toes, he gently scrubbed her skin, lingered on her inner thighs.

  She leaned her head back against the wall and shut her eyes. “If you’re trying to get on my good side, it’s working.”

  “Baby, you don’t have a bad side.” He ran his soapy hands along the gentle curve of her hip. “This side looks great.” Tipping her the other way, he treated himself to a long stare at her sensuous body. “Yup. This side’s pretty amazing, too. Nope. No bad side.” Bending closer to her, he kissed her flat belly, followed with the washcloth. He paid extra attention to the dip between her breasts, then suckled her nipples, which tore a gasp from her throat.

  He used his bare hands to rinse off the suds, purposely slowed his pace near her pussy, slid a slow finger along her folds. Her skin was soft as silk, her curves so tantalizing and he desperately yearned to carry her into the bedroom and fuck her brains out. But he couldn't. He had to show her how much he cared, what she meant to him.

  "Turn over." He guided her onto her stomach then washed her backside as he had the front. Dragging the washcloth down her back, he marveled at her creamy skin. When he reached her round ass, he took his time, rubbing and teasing.

  "I could build a temple to your ass." He nipped her flesh so round and perfect. She bucked, but her soft moan confirmed her pleasure.

  "Worship it night and day," he continued.