DearAnnie Read online

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No, she wouldn’t go there. Entanglements weren’t what she was about. She licked her lips as Alan pushed her legs apart with his knee. He settled there and she breathed in the strong scent of soap mixed with his cologne. He slid over her, back and forth, pressing his cock against her sex, building her desire to a frenzied peak.

  She needed him inside her. “Please, Alan.” She lifted her hips, encouraged him closer. He nodded down at her then entered her one delicious inch at a time. Her intimate confines stretched to accommodate him.

  She automatically tightened around him as he started stroking. A sweet ache grew inside her as her pleasure rose. Erotic friction heated her up and drew her closer to another peak.

  Alan’s eyes grew glassy. She yearned to watch his orgasm unfold. But he held on to his control, no doubt waiting for her. He thrust deeper and she could feel the tension in his every stroke. His body shook with restraint that rolled off him in waves.

  He shut his eyes and moaned. The muscles in his neck corded and his skin grew red and sweaty. As her climax neared, she dug her nails into his back and waited a moment before the bliss washed over her. She screamed with delight as she fell over the edge into ecstasy.

  Alan finally allowed himself to let go. He clenched his teeth but didn’t hold back a deep, primal groan. He stroked a few more times, spilling everything inside her, giving it all to her. She held him tightly, knowing this time was all they had. Other people might be perfectly content to try out relationships, but she was destined to fall into a painful, troubled one and she refused to risk it. She’d have to be content with sex and thankfully this was pretty awesome sex.

  Alan lay flat on his back, still breathing hard. “Wow.”

  She headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Sometimes guys took advantage of her absence to leave, which suited her fine. The quicker they disappeared, the less opportunity she had to form any sort of silly, sentimental bond to them. But she had to admit, she might be a little disappointed if she came out and found Alan gone.

  She turned on the water then stepped inside.

  “What, you don’t believe in any post-coital cuddle time?”

  She wiped the water out of her eyes and found him standing next to her in the shower. Despite herself, she grinned. “Cuddling is for lovers. We’re more…”

  He took the soap and rubbed it over his chest and shoulders. Then he turned her around so she faced away from him and he started washing her back, massaging and kneading with slick, wet hands. “What?”

  She moaned at the relaxing sensations. “I don’t know…fuck buddies, one-timers.”

  He stopped what he was doing and spun her toward him. He wasn’t smiling anymore. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  She shrugged. “Let’s not make this more than it is.” The hurt in his eyes gave her pause.

  “Does that mean you’re not willing to make this a beginning? I was hoping it would be the start of something special, rather than an end.” He took her hand. “I like you, Suzanne. I’d love to get to know you better.”

  She tore her gaze away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on. I’m just not interested in a relationship.”

  He exhaled loudly. “Oh. Are you involved with someone?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that.” She rinsed off then stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She wished Alan would leave. A man like him was too tempting. If she wasn’t careful, she might start liking him too much.

  The shower shut off and seconds later Alan wrapped his damp arms around her. “Would you at least give me the rest of the week to try to win you over?”

  When she didn’t answer, he went on. “It’ll take my friend a few days to work on your old laptop. Give me until then, please?”

  “How about I agree to reevaluate tomorrow? If things are still good between us in twenty-four hours, I’ll agree to another day with you, if you want to spend the time with me, that is.”

  “So you have me on a daily plan, is that it?”

  “It sounds awful when you put it like that. I just can’t commit to more than a day at a time.”

  “I’ll take what I can get. Not like you’re giving me any other choice. But do this for me. Make it two days at a time, then…reevaluate, okay?”

  She softened against him. How could she refuse when he felt so strong and sexy and comforting? “Okay.”

  He grinned as he held her at arm’s length. “Good. Now, back to bed with you. I told you I wasn’t through with you yet.”

  She started toward the bedroom, letting a giggle slip out when he gave her ass a hard slap. Why not indulge in a little more fun time. Her feel-good batteries needed charging. But as soon as she got back her computer, she’d have to put an end to their time together.

  Chapter Two

  Suzanne slipped out of bed three days later and headed to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Although spending yet another glorious day making love, watching movies, cooking and eating with Alan, she had to pay attention to real life.

  Real life meant rewriting the column Alan’s techie friend had yet been able to rescue, earning money to pay the rent as well as send her mom and sisters some cash.

  She startled when Alan came up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. He smelled like her soap and her shampoo and it turned her on that he did. He sneaked his hands inside her robe and cupped her breasts. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She twisted out of his grasp. “Nope. I need coffee and then I have to get to work on my column. It’s due later today and I hate taking my deadlines down to the wire.”

  He held up his palms in surrender then backed against the counter. “What kind of column do you write?”

  She filled the reservoir of the coffeemaker with water then found a filter and set it in place. “I’m Dear Annie. I give sex advice.”

  He bellowed a laugh. “I knew I’d found a gem in you. I love it.”

  She measured out grounds, scooped them into the machine then turned it on. “That doesn’t scare you off, hmm?”

  “It takes a lot more than that.”

  The direction of the conversation was making her skin itch. “So don’t you have a job? Or are you a millionaire playboy?”

  “I wish. I teach biology at Northern Virginia Community College and this week is spring break. What amazing luck, huh? I think we were meant to bump into each other.”

  His smile was so warm and genuine she had to turn away. But he scooped her into his arms. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not winning this battle?”

  She centered a hand on his chest and gave him a gentle push. “It’s not a war. And it’s not going to continue past this week. I told you that from the start.”

  He clasped her shoulders. “I know what you said. It’s the why that I don’t understand.”

  He’d told her about his big happy family, his two brothers and twin sisters. How could he relate to her abusive, dysfunctional mess of a family? He wouldn’t get her aversion to anything more than sexual liaisons because he hadn’t lived through the nightmare she and her sisters had. “You wouldn’t get it, Alan.”

  “Try me.”

  But before she could reply, her cell rang. She grabbed it from the kitchen counter and immediately answered when she saw Wendy’s name on the display. “Hey, what’s up?”

  But she couldn’t understand a word her youngest sister said through her sobs.

  “Honey, what is it?”

  “Paul…cheating…” She sniffled and wailed into the phone.

  Suzanne collapsed into a kitchen chair and listened to the teenager’s breakup story.

  Alan got her a cup of coffee and fixed it how she liked with extra cream and four spoonsful of sugar. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that he was getting to witness part of the mess that was her family. If he were smart, he’d take the opportunity to run.

  Alan settled into the sofa and pretended to read a magazine he’d found on an end table. Suzanne seemed so patient with her sister, assuring her everything wo
uld be okay, her cheating boyfriend didn’t deserve her. Only a minute of two after she got off the phone with Wendy, another sister, Laura, called.

  He surmised from the conversation that Laura was a college student who couldn’t graduate until she passed a speech class. But apparently, Laura found the idea of speaking in front a group akin to facing a firing squad.

  Suzanne’s warmth and reassurance touched him. Before ending the conversation, she promised Laura she’d make the girl’s next tuition payment before the end of the month.

  When Suzanne dragged into the living room, he wanted to hug her, tell her what a wonderful job she’d done consoling her sisters, how impressed he was at she was handling all she had on her plate. But he sensed his best move was to keep quiet, let her talk only if it was her idea.

  Without uttering a word, she sat on his lap and laid her head on his shoulder.

  He rubbed her lower back. After several minutes of cuddling, she got up and set her hands on her waist. “Enough of my pity party. I need to get to work.” When he made no move to go anywhere, she lifted an eyebrow. “Do you think you can check on my old computer? It’d save me some time if I could get back the columns I saved on my—” Her phone interrupted.

  She rolled her eyes. “Excuse me.” She hurried to the kitchen to answer. “Hey, Diana.”

  Could it be yet another family member?

  “Oh, honey, that’s wonderful. Congratulations…absolutely, it sounds like a terrific opportunity… No, of course you can’t. We’ll move you this weekend…it’s no problem at all.”

  After she hung up, she returned to the living room and gave him a sheepish grin. “You wouldn’t consider letting me borrow your pickup for the weekend, would you? I know it’s a huge thing to ask and we hardly know each other at all, but I’ll give you my car in the meanwhile. You see, my sister got this great job. In New York. She starts on Monday. She has a friend she can move in with but she’s got to be there in a few days.”

  He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “How do you talk so fast without even breathing? And did you really just say you think we hardly know each other?” He shook his head and grinned but if she really thought that, his feelings were a little bruised. “I know you really well.” He took her hand and wound her into his embrace. “I know where you’re ticklish—the smile lines under your adorable bottom, the backs of your knees and that sweet spot behind your right ear.” He nuzzled her neck and delighted at her pleasured shudder.

  “I know how to make you come with my fingers, my tongue and my cock.”

  She bit her lower lip and he nearly came unglued.

  “I know that you love it when I scrape my teeth over your nipples and that you enjoy giving me head almost as much as I love receiving it. Almost.”

  Her peaches-and-cream complexion reddened.

  “But I’m not letting you take my truck.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I thought you just said—”

  He cut her off with a kiss. “Moving someone is a big job. I’ll help.” When she started to shake her head, he grasped her arms. “I’m big and strong and I won’t take no for an answer.”

  He felt all the tension slip out of her. “Really?” she asked.


  “That doesn’t mean I’ll agree to prolong things between us, you know.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Suzanne was obviously the sort of person who helped her family until she had no more to give. The least he could do was to pitch in. And buy himself more time with her in the bargain.

  * * * * *

  Suzanne woke in time to see the Welcome to Virginia sign. She’d never been much of a car sleeper, but leaning against Alan combined with two solid days of moving furniture and boxes had wiped her out. Not to mention sixteen total hours of drive time. She’d crashed the moment they’d hit the highway on their return trip.

  “The way you snore is so cute.” Alan adjusted his sunglasses. Damn, but he looked hot in them.

  She rubbed her eyes. “I don’t snore.”

  He snickered. “Oh. Okay. Must have been my imagination.”

  “I rarely sleep very deeply. I learned at an early age that I might have to get up and go hide with my sisters at a moment’s notice.” She straightened, unsettled both by the memory and the fact she’d shared it with a man.

  “What were you hiding from?”

  “Our father.” She swallowed back a bitter taste. “I was the oldest. If I hadn’t protected them, there’s no telling what he might have done.”

  “He was abusive?”

  She didn’t answer. It wasn’t something she normally—or ever—spoke about.

  “And you’re still taking care of them. Says a lot about the kind of person you are.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  She was growing way too attached to him. Lord, she could fall for the man and that was the worst thing in the world. “Alan, I really appreciate all you did for me this weekend. But…well, I think we should cool it. Nothing against you, but like I told you, I’m not into relationships.”

  “I gather that. And if you telling me wasn’t proof enough, I’ve sampled your columns. They paint quite a picture or a woman who’s terrified of actual feelings.”

  “You’ve read my columns?” She glanced across the seat at him but saw no malice in his expression. “I’m sorry, Alan. That’s just how I roll.”

  He set a hand on her thigh and erotic energy zinged her just like the very first time they’d touched almost a week before. “I’m asking you to give me a chance.”

  Her chest tightened. She’d never felt so comfortable with a man, nor had she ever had such amazing sex. Each time was exponentially better than the last. God, she wanted to keep him around, to open her heart to him, but something inside her lodged a protest. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” She folded her arms.

  “I understand how you’d be gun shy after growing up witnessing abuse, but, baby, I’m all about elevating you on the highest pedestal, giving you the best I have to offer.” His voice broke. “I’d never hurt you. All I’m asking for more time.”

  He pulled off the road, shut off the engine then faced her. “I’ve seen you give and give and give to your family. It’s high time you snag a little happiness for yourself. Take a chance on me, Suz. Please.”

  She wiped away tears. “We’re all screwed up. Diana’s like me. She won’t let a guy close. She stays so focused on her advertising career that there’s no room left for a man. Laura’s so painfully shy, I’m afraid she’ll never so much as get a date. And Wendy’s still in high school, but she’s so desperate for male attention that she falls head over heels for any boy who pays her any attention at all.”

  He laid a hand on her thigh. “I can’t begin to know what advice to give your sisters, but I want you to open yourself to having me around for a while, as long as you’ll let me. I come with a double-your-money-back guarantee.”

  His smile loosened a few of the tight knots inside her. She sucked in a breath for courage. “I’ll try. A week at a time, no more. I’ll reevaluate every Sunday. No promises.”

  “No promises.”


  Three months later

  Alan slipped into bed beside Suzanne and burrowed under the covers until he was between her legs. He loved waking her like this on the weekends. Every Sunday for months he’d dreaded that she’d tell him goodbye, but two weeks had passed without her making any mention of her reevaluation, as she called it.

  She purred her approval as he pushed her thighs apart, careful to never break contact. Her skin was like satin and he couldn’t get enough.

  He cupped her mound, pressed the spot that always got her going. Then he started rubbing flesh over bone. She lifted her hips in rhythm with him and he knew he had her.

  She threw back the covers. “You are a naughty, naughty man.” Her voice was deep and raspy with disuse and it drove him crazy with lust.

  “Thank you.” He slid a finger along her damp fur
ls and she rewarded him with a throaty moan. He couldn’t wait to taste her. He’d just touched the tip of his tongue to her clit when she backed away.

  “Why don’t I take a shower first? Get all freshened up.” She tried to close her legs but he held fast.

  “No way. I want you like this, tasting like a woman.”

  He felt the shudder that ran through her. He dipped his head to her again and stroked his tongue inside her. He took her close to the edge, but he yearned to be inside her when her climax hit.

  Acting fast, he sheathed himself, rolled her onto her side, then entered her from behind. She was so tight. They made a perfect fit as he eased inside her. He grasped her hips, pulling, guiding their movement. Reaching one hand around her, he massaged her pussy until she gasped and cried out her bliss.

  “Oh yes, yes.” She tightened around him. Her pleasure elevated his. He flipped onto his back and lifted her on top of him. He pistoned in and out of her and his delight rose higher and higher. Her face contorted in familiar concentration. As another orgasm hit her, he allowed himself his own ecstasy.

  Suzanne sank her fingernails into his chest. The bite only heightened his satisfaction.

  She collapsed on top of him, her skin damp with sweat, her heart pounding against his chest. “I think we can go to the month-to-month plan.”

  He grinned. “A whole month, huh? Maybe you’ll even let me leave more than a toothbrush here now since I’ve been spending every night, huh?”

  “Don’t push it, buster.” She snuggled closer. “Okay, you can bring two pairs of underwear and some socks…and a shirt. I’ll reevaluate next month.”

  He didn’t argue. He had her right where he wanted her and that was where he planned to keep her.

  About the Author

  Wynter Daniels is the multi-published naughty alter ego of contemporary romance author Dara Edmondson. She lives in Florida with her husband of more than twenty years and their two nearly grown children. They are all the slaves of two very demanding cats.

  Wynter enjoyed careers in marketing and the salon industry before her wicked prose begged to be set free. She hopes you enjoy her steamy stories.